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Popular FAQs

Learn more about our range of products, tools, and services with these extensive FAQs

Popular FAQs
  1. How do I open an account with Forexindextrading.com?
  2. I forgot my username or password. How do I retrieve them?
  3. What information do I need when opening an account?
  4. How much money do I need to open an account?
  5. How can I fund my account?
  6. How will my withdrawal be processed?
  7. Can I renew my demo account?
  8. How do I download Forexindextrading.com's desktop platform?
  9. How do I download MetaTrader 4 or 5?
  10. How can I access my monthly/annual statement?
  11. Can someone else trade on my account?

How do I open an account with Forexindextrading.com?

You can apply for an account with Forexindextrading.com online. Start your application now.

I forgot my username or password. How do I retrieve them?

If you forgot your username, please contact us for assistance. If you forgot your password, please use our password reset page and fill in your username and email. You’ll then receive an email with a link to reset your password.

What information do I need when opening an account?

We will need you to provide us with your name and address to establish your identity. Typically, we can verify your identity instantly. For more information, see our Opening an Account FAQs.

How much money do I need to open an account?

The minimum initial deposit required is at least 100 of your selected base currency. However, we recommend you deposit at least 1,000 to allow you more flexibility and better risk management when trading your account.

How can I fund my account? 

You can easily fund your account by logging in to MyAccount and visiting the Funding page.

We accept funds by credit card, debit card, Skrill and Neteller e-wallets and wire transfer. For more information, visit our Funding FAQs.

How will my withdrawal be processed?

Withdrawals can be submitted through MyAccount and are processed in the order funds were received.

Funds are returned to the originating account in the following order:

  1. Credit/Debit Card
  2. Bank Transfer

For more information, visit our Withdrawals FAQs

Can I renew my demo account?

Demo accounts last for 30 days after sign up. Afterward, you will not be able to log in using the demo account credentials. Demo renewals are not available at this time. If you have further questions, please contact us.

How do I download Forexindextrading.com's desktop platform?

Download the advanced Forexindextrading.com desktop application.

How do I download MetaTrader 4 or 5?

Click here to go to our Download Center.

Please remove any previous versions of the MetaTrader software from your PC prior to installation in order to ensure proper function of the platform.

How can I access my monthly/annual statement?

You may access your account statements securely via the trading platform. Simply log into WebTrader and select the person icon in the top right corner of your screen and "Account Details" in the drop-down menu. Then select "Statements and Contracts".

An Annual Statement can be accessed by selecting December, Search and then downloading the statement dated "12/31".

MetaTrader: You may access statements and annual reports by logging onto the platform, selecting Account History in the Terminal window, selecting Custom Period, and generating the report.

Can someone else trade on my account?

Forexindextrading.com’s policies prevent any person other than the account holder(s) from accessing or trading an account unless the trader has been reviewed and approved as a Money Manager. To obtain additional information about our Money Manager program please contact our Global Institutional Sales Team.